Santa Margarita Conjunctive Use Project
- Location: Fallbrook CA
- Owner: Fallbrook Public Utility District
- Total Footage: 8,300 ft.
- Sizes: 8" - 72"
- Type of Pipe: AWWA C200 Compliant .250 Wall / .500 Wall / .750 Wall
- Testing (RT/MP/UT/VT/DP): 10% RT Butt Joints / 100% MP Fillet Welds / 100% UT on Groove Welds which cannot be RT Tested / 100% VT
- Coatings, Linings & Treatments: Pickle and Passivate, Electro Polish, Concrete, FBE, Epoxy
- Dollar Range: $2,500,000 to $5,000,000
- Special Requirements: American Iron and Steel